Full Indie Vancouver (past & future)

A little over a month ago on Tuesday April 29, 2014, I had a great time speaking at one of Vancouver’s regular Full Indie events. Full Indie as an organization exists to provide a platform for independent game developers of all types to come together in a network of shared experiences, opportunities, knowledge and moral support. And clearly to have a blast while doing so.

Usually I would post an event like this on the site in advance. However the limited tickets to the monthly Full Indie events are essentially sold out as soon as they appear on-line. So there would have been little point to an advance post even if I had been totally on top of the timing (which I clearly was not). Fortunately there is an upcoming Full Indie Summit on August 9 & 10, 2014 (where I will also be speaking) at the Stanley Stage. Information on tickets etc. are available by clicking the image below.

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So somewhat belatedly, here is the video of my April presentation on originality in games as well as the related slides . Would like to acknowledge friend of the course Jennifer Kelly of Fenwick & West LLP who generously allowed me to remix and add to some of her slides in preparing this presentation.



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