Week 2 – 9/10/14: “If Picasso had painted a round object…” & Brian Dartnell

Here are slides and video from our second class.  Thanks to Brian Dartnell for giving us a terrific overview of his life as EA’s lawyer at EA.

You may wonder what it is I am (symbolically) looking for in the picture below. Turns out the video of the class is missing – well, not exactly missing…the presets for the camera were aiming at the podium on the side of the room (where you see me below) and not the table at the center of the room where Brian and I spoke from. So, as you will see, the video of this weeks class is composed of the slides and our audio. The effect is actually pretty good – some might say better (for a variety of reasons 😉

Also if you are wondering the difference between the top and bottom videos just have to do with screen size. The top one puts you into the Mediasite page and allows you to then expand the picture to full screen. The one just below that is an embedded version of Mediasite which works great in the browser provided but can’t be expanded. Hope that makes sense.


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